Athlete Info

Girls, here are a few things to keep in mind:


"The Process is the Goal"



Being a good runner or becoming great at your field event is a year long pursuit.  The more you work at anything, the better you will be at it.  Become a student of your sport.  Check the Important links that are at the bottom of this page.


Check this site daily for information regarding your team.  I update this as often as possible to give you all the information you need.


We always have practice/meets.  Do not EVER assume that something is cancelled.  If anything is ever going to be cancelled, it will be listed on this site and I will email you directly.  Do not listen to rumors about cancellations. 


Taking care of your feet is one of the most important things you can do.  Make sure you have a good pair of running shoes.  Those girls who wish to run as fast as possible (hopefully all of you) might want to look at getting a pair of racing flats.  If you want to get a pair but are unsure of what kind to get, talk to myself, Coach Nolan or one of the Seniors/Juniors on the team.  


You must make sure that you communicate any questions/concerns with the coaching staff ASAP.  As much as I want you to be at every practice/meet, I understand that things come up.  Letting me know that you might have to miss a practice/meet ahead of time will always be better than missing and telling me after.  I am in room 101 of the high school most of the time during school days and can always be reached immediately by email.  There is no excuse for not letting me know about any of your absences.


The Season calendar is posted in each season's schedule page.  This has a list of every practice, meet and off day you have all season.  While I am obviously willing to change the schedule for both the team's or individual's needs, I will most likely stick to this schedule 99% of the time.  You know about events months in advance, do not let these dates sneak up on you. 







 "The way I see it, you have to view running time not as extra or wasted time, but as important, productive contemplation time."

                                                                                                                    -Joan Benoit Samuelson